Source code for chi.context

from itertools import chain
import os
import sys
import time

from keystoneauth1.identity.v3 import OidcAccessToken
from keystoneauth1 import loading
from keystoneauth1.loading.conf import _AUTH_SECTION_OPT, _AUTH_TYPE_OPT
from keystoneauth1 import session
from oslo_config import cfg
import requests

from . import jupyterhub

import logging

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

CONF_GROUP = "chi"

def default_key_name():
    username = os.getenv("USER")
    return f"{username}-jupyter" if username else None

session_opts = loading.get_session_conf_options()
adapter_opts = loading.get_adapter_conf_options()

# Settings that do not affect authentication, but are used  to define defaults
# for other operations.
# NOTE: any deprecated options must be defined using the underscore form.
extra_opts = [
        help=("Name of the SSH keypair to allow access to launched instances"),
    cfg.StrOpt("image", help=("Name of disk image to use when launching instances")),
    cfg.StrOpt("keypair-private-key", help="Path to the SSH private key file"),
    cfg.StrOpt("keypair-public-key", help="Path to the SSH public key file"),
global_options = session_opts + adapter_opts + extra_opts
global_option_names = [opt.dest for opt in global_options]
for extra_opt in extra_opts:
    # Explicitly add deprecated names so we can issue warnings in get/set.
    # We only have to do this for our extra_opts, as that's the API we are
    # advertising/maintain.
    global_option_names.extend([ for o in extra_opt.deprecated_opts])

deprecated_extra_opts = { current_opt.dest
    for current_opt in extra_opts
    for deprecated_opt in (current_opt.deprecated_opts or [])

_auth_plugin = None
_session = None
_sites = {}

def printerr(msg):
    return print(msg, file=sys.stderr)

class SessionWithAccessTokenRefresh(session.Session):
    # How many seconds before expiration should we try to refresh
    REFRESH_THRESHOLD = 60  # seconds

    def __init__(self, auth=None, **kwargs):
        def get_access_token(_auth):
            expires_at = getattr(_auth, "_expires_at", time.time())
            should_refresh = expires_at - time.time() < self.REFRESH_THRESHOLD
            if not getattr(_auth, "_access_token", None) or should_refresh:
                    access_token, expires_at = jupyterhub.refresh_access_token()
                    _auth._access_token = access_token
                    _auth._expires_at = expires_at
                except Exception as e:
                    LOG.error("Failed to refresh access_token: %s", e)
            return _auth._access_token

        def set_access_token(_auth, access_token):
            _auth._access_token = access_token

        # Override the access_token property to support dynamically refreshing
        # it if close to expiring. Uses the @property decorator, but called
        # explicitly and overridden on the class (it must be on the class,
        # as Python will bind this as a class descriptor.) It has to also
        # provide a setter so auth.access_token = ... works.
        # TODO(jason): this is definitely a hack :) -- but it's the best
        # thing I could come up with, given how many places the code will need
        # a fresh access token. The auth plugin is hard to override b/c it is
        # being dynamically loaded via an entry point, and overriding on the
        # Session.request function is not enough because there are many other
        # points at which an authentication is performed (e.g., looking up an
        # endpoint.)
        if (
            and isinstance(auth, OidcAccessToken)
            and jupyterhub.is_jupyterhub_env()
            auth._access_token = None
            auth._expires_at = 0
            # Monkey-patch access_token to be @property dynamic lookup
            auth.__class__.access_token = property(get_access_token, set_access_token)

        super().__init__(auth=auth, **kwargs)

class SessionLoader(loading.session.Session):
    plugin_class = SessionWithAccessTokenRefresh

def _auth_plugins():
    return [
        (name, [o._to_oslo_opt() for o in loader.get_options()])
        for name, loader in loading.get_available_plugin_loaders().items()
        if name.startswith("v3")

def _default_from_env(opts, group=None):
    def _default(opt):
        all_opts = [opt] + (
            getattr(opt, "deprecated_opts", getattr(opt, "deprecated", None)) or []
        for o in all_opts:
            v = os.environ.get(f'OS_{"-", "_").upper()}')
            if v:
                return v

    if not group:
        group = CONF_GROUP

    for opt in opts:
        default = _default(opt)
        if default:
            cfg.CONF.set_default(opt.dest, default, group=group)

def _auth_section(auth_plugin):
    return f"{CONF_GROUP}.auth.{auth_plugin}"

def _set_auth_plugin(auth_plugin):
    global _auth_plugin
    auth_section = _auth_section(auth_plugin)
    cfg.CONF.set_override(_AUTH_SECTION_OPT.dest, auth_section, group=CONF_GROUP)
    # Re-register the auth conf options so that the auth_type option is
    # registered in the proper auth_section. An alternative would be to register
    # the auth_type option explicitly within every auth_section we use, but
    # this is an idempotent operation, so we just (ab)use the register function.
    loading.register_auth_conf_options(cfg.CONF, CONF_GROUP)
    cfg.CONF.set_override(_AUTH_TYPE_OPT.dest, auth_plugin, group=auth_section)
    _auth_plugin = auth_plugin

def _check_deprecated(key):
    if key not in deprecated_extra_opts:
        return key

        f"Option '{key}' is deprecated; please use '{deprecated_extra_opts[key]}' instead."
    return deprecated_extra_opts[key]

[docs] def set(key, value): """Set a context parameter by name. Args: key (str): the parameter name. value (any): the parameter value. Raises: cfg.NoSuchOptError: if the parameter is not supported. """ global _session # Special handling for auth_type setting as we have to also tell KSA to # start reading auth parameters from the plugin's auth section. if key == _AUTH_TYPE_OPT.dest: _set_auth_plugin(value) elif key in global_option_names: key = _check_deprecated(key) cfg.CONF.set_override(key, value, group=CONF_GROUP) else: valid_for_some_plugin = False # Set for all auth plugins that define this option. for auth_plugin, opts in _auth_plugins(): matches = [o for o in opts if key in [, o.dest]] for opt in matches: cfg.CONF.set_override(opt.dest, value, group=_auth_section(auth_plugin)) valid_for_some_plugin |= len(matches) > 0 if not valid_for_some_plugin: raise cfg.NoSuchOptError(key) # Invalidate session if setting affects session if key not in [o.dest for o in extra_opts]: _session = None
[docs] def get(key): """Get a context parameter by name. Args: key (str): the parameter name. Returns: any: the parameter value. Raises: cfg.NoSuchOptError: if the parameter is not supported. """ global _auth_plugin if key in global_option_names: key = _check_deprecated(key) return cfg.CONF[CONF_GROUP][key] else: return cfg.CONF[_auth_section(_auth_plugin)][key]
[docs] def params(): """List all parameters currently set on the context. Returns: List[str]: a list of parameter names. """ global _auth_plugin keys = list(cfg.CONF[CONF_GROUP].keys()) keys.extend(list(cfg.CONF[_auth_section(_auth_plugin)].keys())) return keys
[docs] def use_site(site_name): """Configure the global request context to target a particular CHI site. Targeting a site will mean that leases, instance launch requests, and any other API calls will be sent to that site. By default, no site is selected, and one must be explicitly chosen. .. code-block:: python chi.use_site("CHI@UC") Changing the site will affect future calls the client makes, implicitly. Therefore something like this is possible: .. code-block:: python chi.use_site("CHI@UC")"my-uc-lease", reservations) chi.use_site("CHI@TACC")"my-tacc-lease", reservations) Args: site_name (str): The name of the site, e.g., "CHI@UC". """ global _sites if not _sites: res = requests.get(f"{RESOURCE_API_URL}/sites.json") try: res.raise_for_status() items = res.json().get("items", []) _sites = {s["name"]: s for s in items} if not _sites: raise ValueError("No sites returned.") except Exception: printerr( """Failed to fetch list of available Chameleon sites. You can still set the site information manually like this, if you know the URL and name: chi.set('auth_url', '') chi.set('region_name', 'CHI@UC') """ ) return site = _sites.get(site_name) if not site: # TODO(jason): Remove this fallback when CHI@Edge is enrolled into # the resource discovery API and the resource catalogue has support for it. if site_name == "CHI@Edge": site = { "name": "CHI@Edge", "web": "", "location": "Distributed", "user_support_contact": "", } elif site_name == "KVM@TACC": site = { "name": "KVM@TACC", "web": "", "location": "Austin, Texas, USA", "user_support_contact": "", } else: raise ValueError( ( f'No site named "{site_name}" exists! Possible values: ' ", ".join(_sites.keys()) ) ) # Set important parameters set("auth_url", f'{site["web"]}:5000/v3') set("region_name", site["name"]) output = [ f"Now using {site_name}:", f'URL: {site.get("web")}', f'Location: {site.get("location")}', f'Support contact: {site.get("user_support_contact")}', ] print("\n".join(output))
[docs] def session(): """Get a Keystone Session object suitable for authenticating a client. Returns: keystoneauth1.session.Session: the authentication session object. """ global _session if not _session: auth = loading.load_auth_from_conf_options(cfg.CONF, CONF_GROUP) sess = SessionLoader().load_from_conf_options(cfg.CONF, CONF_GROUP, auth=auth) _session = loading.load_adapter_from_conf_options( cfg.CONF, CONF_GROUP, session=sess ) return _session
[docs] def reset(): """Reset the context, removing all overrides and defaults. The ``auth_type`` parameter will be defaulted to the value of the OS_AUTH_TYPE environment variable, falling back to "v3token" if not defined. All context parameters will revert to the default values inferred from environment variables. """ global _session global _sites _session = None _sites = {} cfg.CONF.reset() _set_auth_plugin( os.getenv("OS_AUTH_TYPE", os.getenv("OS_AUTH_METHOD", DEFAULT_AUTH_TYPE)) ) _default_from_env(global_options, group=CONF_GROUP) for auth_plugin, opts in _auth_plugins(): _default_from_env(opts, group=_auth_section(auth_plugin))
cfg.CONF.register_group(cfg.OptGroup(CONF_GROUP)) loading.register_auth_conf_options(cfg.CONF, CONF_GROUP) loading.register_session_conf_options(cfg.CONF, CONF_GROUP) loading.register_adapter_conf_options(cfg.CONF, CONF_GROUP) cfg.CONF.register_opts(extra_opts, group=CONF_GROUP) for auth_plugin, opts in _auth_plugins(): auth_section = _auth_section(auth_plugin) cfg.CONF.register_group(cfg.OptGroup(auth_section)) cfg.CONF.register_opts(opts, group=auth_section) reset()